In accordance with the law, if your boat is registered in Poland- you cannot use the MMSI that was linked to the preceding flag. To apply for the Polish MMSI, you must have a valid radio operator license. Your radios or other devices installed on board must have a CE certificate. Important: the MMSI cannot be requested if you only have a portable VHF radio; only radio that are permanently installed are accepted by the Polish administration.

Please fill out our online MMSI request form and send it to us. After our analysis, we will answer by making you a special offer along with the list of documents required for the MMSI registration. If you have any questions, you can ask us before filling out the form. We will answer you as soon as possible, within our working hours.

The boat name registered in Poland: *
Boat type*
Motor boat
Sail boat

Radio VHF 1

Producer *
Model *
Add another radio

Radio VHF 2

Additional equipment
Details of the owner or shipowner (according to the Polish registration certificate)*
Natural person
Juridical person/Company

Natural person

First name *
Surname *
Address: Street and house number *
Postal code *
City *
Country *
ID number or passport number *
Add another owner

Owner 2

First name *
Surname *
Address: Street and house number *
Postal code *
City *
Country *
ID number or passport number *
Add another owner

Owner 3

First name *
Surname *
Address: Street and house number *
Postal code *
City *
Country *
ID number or passport number *
Add another owner

Owner 4

First name *
Surname *
Address: Street and house number *
Postal code *
City *
Country *
ID number or passport number *

Juridical person/Company

Name *
Tax number / VAT ID number *
Registered office: street and number *
Postal code *
City *
Country *

Legal representatives:

Legal representative 1 *
Legal representative 2
Legal representative 3
Legal representative 4
E-mail-address *
Your phone number *
    Here you can add the documents for your analysis and advice.
    Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
    Observations - questions: Send us an e-mail

    I hereby confirm the information entered above and declare that I am aware of the criminal liability for providing incorrect information.